Thursday, January 19, 2012

Adding Nutrition to help the community #AbbottCFK #cbias

I am one of Millions

This is the second post talking about the Champions for Kids project sponsored by Abbott Nurtition.  As I mentioned in my previous post I decided to supply 2 local food banks with a bag of PediSure drinks and Zone Perfect bars to add to their supplies. As I have received boxes from both food banks I know how hard it is to supply nutritional balanced food that is not packed with a ton of additives. Due to the nature of the programs, it becomes a situation where you take what is available and pray for the best. 
I really wanted to give back to these 2 organizations to help other families in their struggle to make ends meet. 
Lafayette Community Church offers 2 programs, first twice a week they do a bread giveaway where depending on the availability people are able to get bread and pastry products. This local mission helps on a weekly basis fill the cupboards on people in the community, especially families of young children.   LCC also hosts a twice monthly Food Bank where families receive a box of food stores to help get through the month based on the number in their family. The boxes contain things like cereal, soups, frozen vegetables, local fresh produce donated by farmers or church members with an abundance, eggs, milk, juice, and meat products. Recipients are also given a bread product.  The contents of the box vary depending on what is available, but no matter what the box is there for families to help make it through the month.   LCC food bank and bread bank is located in a historic building in Lafayette and the staff are loving and compassionate toward the community. 

Dayton First Baptist Church also hosts a twice monthly food bank where families in the community can shop through their Food Bank to fill their bags. Through a previous donation Dayton First Baptist Food Bank began having recipients use recycled grocery sacks. I was able to previous donate some grocery sacks and am so happy to see the program moving forward. Families are asked to bring their sacks back each time.  The program is set up like a store where each recipient is led through the room selecting products they can use for their family.  In this fashion nothing in the store room is wasted and if a family has health issues or allergies they can work to help them find items that will meet their needs.  Debbie, the coordinator of the program gets to know the families and welcomes each with open arms. Each family signs in and waits in the church gym area where the kids are allowed to play together, kids from all backgrounds, faiths, and demographics. 
Knowing both these organizations it wasn't hard for me to head to the local Walmart and pick up PediSure, PediSure sidekicks, and Zone Perfect snack bars to give back  to the community.   Cameron and I headed to town and met my Mom who joined us for the shop. I had a couple of internet coupons I printed before we left making it possible to pick up a little more to donated. We easily found the products we were looking for and also picked up a few other items we needed as well. Check out our full shopping trip here. 
It is amazing the difference a couple of days can make. We had sunny skies the day we went shopping and then winter finally decided to arrive in Oregon. We had snowy weather , cold temps, wind, and lots of Oregon rain which put a slight delay on delivering the bags to their respective locations, but I decided I wasn't going to let a little Oregon weather keep me from giving back.  Monday afternoon I delivered a bag full of PediSure, Zone Perfect bars, and a few other items to Lafayette Community Church's Food Bank, as it was a bread bank day I decided not to take photos inside the facility.  
I am arranging an off day to Dayton First Baptist Food Bank but wanted to share them with you  either way. I love this sign as you leave the parking lot at Dayton First Baptist Church. Makes me really think every time I see it, are we treating each day as a day in the Mission Fields. 

I will continue to support both these organizations whenever I can as they have support me and my family through the last few years. 

I am very grateful to Collective Bias and Abbott Nutrition for selecting me to be a part of this  paid social insight study and hope you will consider support Abbott Nutrition as they support the Champions for Kids initiative. 

Follow Champions for Kids on Facebook and Twitter or head over to their website to join in the challenge 

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